American apparel shirt, jodhpurs, Kurt Geiger boots, Mulberry bag, mum's vintage jacket
Blogging doesn't come easy to me mind, I forget about it when I actually have a life, you see.. I don't generally carry round a camera unless it's a special occasion and even then, my photos are utterly shit. So, this means I have no life at the moment, thats why i've returned to the faithful blog to try and redeem it from its worthless state. Currently enjoying the dulcet tones of Beirut and trying to become more independent, it's a hard job like. Drowning in a sea of exams and boredom, where has all the life gone? Sometimes I proper feel like going out alone and finding people who don't know every single thing about me.. you know, something refreshing, a change from a bunch of, granted very nice people, but people that you've been with for 7 years. Been visiting the south to spend a bit of quality time with the brethren, I wish we had that nightlife up north instead of the infamous 'spice-boy' filled nightclubs. Ah i'm sick of this pathetic, whiney side i've developed.. time to get back to me ol' self and get me a nice squeeze, missing someone actually giving a damn what I say. AFTER THIS DISGUSTING RANT, If I don't blog for a while, be proud of me as i've recovered from this depressive state. X