You wake up in bed surrounded by Jimmy Choo Alexander Wang and Vivienne Westwood goodies, where did it all go so right?
I'm Nicholas Rogers whos purpose in life is to play dress up. I'm not very good with words or spelling so i'm happy you can check it on here... I basically started this blog to share what i wear and design and hopefully look a little more professional. I'll take a while to get this perfect, my pictures will probably get bigger and smaller throughout, sorry. Anyway, lets get started!
muchos besos
(you can tell how fabulous i felt by the regal pose haha)
(this is a maxi dress from Allsaints that i fell in love with. I love the maxi dress this summer, long and flowing is my thing right now)
i love this maxi dress by chloƩ with the long fringes of lace and lovelyness
(Versace cherry trousers, various watches from mum and black vest)
Yes its summer, my brash bold and some may think hideous prints come out to play. These little beauties were my mums back in the day and i just cant say no.. I'm sorry....

(mum's bowler hat, black vest, plastic/leather jacket from topshop, dog tooth trousers from urban outfitters) 

boyfriend's jeans, white studded top from H&M, grey cape from Debenhams i think?!)
this look has wormed its way into my wardrobe because its just so dam comfy!
(denim shirt from topshop and jeans from levi? i don't know sorry, Vivienne Westwood scarf)
p.s sorry for the weird pose, i get bored and think I'm amusing, I'm clearly not. Double denim seems to be really in right about now, seen celebrates like Alexa Chung wearing something similar, I would put a picture but I'm sick of trying and failing to drag them down. I've seen people wearing things of kinda the same colour but not quite...lets just doesn't work so well. 
(denim shorts cut from my brothers old mosher jeans, yummy, script top from allsaints and black vest, pearl necklace and bracelets have been stolen from god knows where)
(i got this little beauty from Camden market and put it on an old chain to make it more wearable)
This was just a taster of my style and what kinda goodies i have hidden, I'll most probably post on a weekend with more exciting titbits and things that i have made, bye for now.
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